YO ME LO GUISO #8 Opi Melissa 3
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YO ME LO GUISO #8 Opi Melissa 3

Organizado por: Oriol Roman Zapata

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Detalle del evento

En esta edición de Opi Melissa nos reunimos para celebrar que la yaya Opi Melissa, nuestra tocaya, cumple 111 años. Ha invitado a todes sus nietes a pasar con ella una tarde llena de soniditos, dulces y comodidad rural. Ya que también es tu yaya, ven a la celebración en su casa, La Infinita, el domingo 3 de diciembre de 15 a 22h. Le va a hacer mucha ilusión verte :)

Política de acceso

En este caso el promotor no ha especificado la política de acceso a menores, si tienes cualquier duda te animamos a que te pongas en contacto directamente con él.

Opinión (1) 1 Opinión

Saint Just
Asistió el 3.12.2023 OPINIÓN VERIFICADA
Cobwebs, Raspberry-Strawberry Trifles, Hugs and Needles
This has been one, if not the most, impressive and emotionally heavy events I've ever been to. The performances were sublime like the chance meeting of a junked car, the feeling of freshly washed bedsheets, looking at the stars, and the strictures of otome discipline, all happening inside of the little shrine where your grand-grand mother keeps equivocal artefacts which could be devoted to any kind of deity, even unbeknownst to herself. In particular, Bonbonribbon69's set hit me like a tonne of bricks. The atmosphere was warm and cozy, and I felt accompanied by the music and performances and like I had the space and the security to get lost in the wonder and the deep thoughts and feelings they stirred in me. I loved how the organisers did not shy away from the darker aspects of a nan's tea party, whilst presenting them as a natural continuation of its gentler side. I just want to say I'm grateful for the huge amount of work and passion that went into this, special and unforgettable, afternoon. I'm looking forward to the next one!
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